Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm thinking about going to a rally to protest Obama's health care initiative instead. I'm considering the text for a few posters with some pithy messages. I'll post them for your consideration. If any of you can think of more effective signage, I'm open to suggestions
1. Obamacare: Cash for Corpses
2. Change: The only thing we'll have left in our pockets
3. Obamacare: The Funeral Home Stimulus Package
4. Take this bill and attach it to your doc's colonoscope
5. Obamacare payback: Unions exempt
6. Obamacare: Guaranteed privacy - Nobody will EVER see your birth certif=icate
7. Save Social Security: Die Young
8. Pull the Plug on Socialized Medicine
9. Want and M.R.I.? You're S.O.L.
10. Bankrupt America? Yes we can

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