Thursday, October 22, 2009

falling fast

Those old enough to have grown up with Nixon's enemies list, should see disturbing parallels in the Obama Administration's attempt to delegitimize the Fox News Channel. Tom Bevan lays out the case. Of course, wit the exception of Jake Tapper, the weasels and cowards in the mainstream media, who have been in thrall to Obama since his Presidential campaign began, are silent.
As Michael Barone lays out, welcome to Chicago on the Potomac. America elected as President, a candidate who said he was post- partisan. The Democrats have all the power- a near 80 seat margin in the House and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. The Democrats can not blame Republicans or Fox News for their problems, which are self-inflicted. Turns out America did not elect partisan hacks like Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, or Valerie Jarrett to run the country. But that is what they are getting. And the faces of change in Washington are now Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Some of us warned last year, that we were electing a man to be President, who had a radical history, and had never run anything. But $750 million in campaign funds, and a trusty teleprompter produced good visual images and winning message- I do not look like,and I am not George Bush. Scarily, that was enough for 53% of Americans. But as the Gallup Poll shows, no new President has ever fallen faster in his approval ratings .

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