Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunstein bizarre radical

Another of President Obama’s appointments is coming under fire. This time it is Professor Cass Sunstein, tapped by the Obama administration to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. On the surface he does not seem nearly as extreme in his views as Van Jones. The hearing held by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Oversight Committee revealed a pragmatic approach to regulation viewed as centrist in nature. What is not centrist about Professor Sunstein are his beliefs on hunting, animal rights, and agriculture.

* View photos of Van Jones and Cass Sunstein
* Additional information on hunting and fishing legislation
* Cass Sunstein believes animals should have access to legal representation

Professor Sunstein has stated in the past that all hunting should be eliminated by regulation. This is extremely dangerous to hunters as this is one of the most powerful positions in the White House, controlling all kinds of regulations that will directly affect hunting. At a Harvard University conference, he said “We ought to ban hunting, I suggest, if there isn’t a purpose other than sport and fun. That should be against the law. It’s time now.” Even though he seems to have left the door open to some hunting for sustenance in that statement, his other beliefs on animal rights preclude nearly all animal use. That is an extreme viewpoint not shared by most Americans.

* Learn more about Cass Sunstein's animal rights beliefs
* Learn more about Cass Sustein and the Second Amendment

It could be that Professor Sunstein’s appointment to a politically powerful position is pay-back for animal rights groups supporting the president during the campaign. As the public begins to hear more about these extreme viewpoints there is the potential of an even greater push-back against the administration and this appointment in particular. The president does not need another debate about a radical appointment when he is trying to pass such controversial legislation as health care reform but that is what is happening as this approval process moves forward. Already the National Rifle Association and hunting groups such as Safari Club International are aligning to prevent his appointment not to mention all the agriculture lobbying groups. This is not a man the outdoor sports community needs in a sensitive, powerful position in any sector of government.

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